Monday, February 8, 2016

Parent-Teacher Conference Day EXTRA CREDIT!

Because you have a day off of school, you have an extra credit opportunity!

For FIVE points extra credit, either post a comment on this post OR bring in a written/typed response tomorrow (that you must turn in before the end of your block).  In your comment/response, tell me which one of your two Lit Circle books you like better SO FAR.  I know that you're only in week one/two, but tell me your current feelings.  You must point out at least THREE specific things that you like better about your chosen book.

Comment/respond away!  Let me know if you have questions!



  1. My two books so far are Drums, Girls, and Dangerous Pie and the Lottery Rose. I like D,G, and, DP better so far because it is funny and has a much better tone than Lottery Rose. Lottery Rose was really sad. D, G, and, DP is also more interesting in my opinion.

    Jaiden L. 3/4

  2. Did the blue fish die too?

    1. Nope! He must have been just hiding in the corner or something!

  3. Riley, I accidentally deleted your comment, but I got it! You'll get your extra credit points!

  4. I want to retake my PRS quizzes and first lit Quiz can I do that Tuesday?

  5. I still don't see the blue fish

  6. For my first lit circle, I got The Wreckers. For my second lit circle, I got The London Eye Mystery. I like The London Eye better because:
    a) It doesn't seem as violent as The Wreckers
    b) The London Eye is more my style
    c) The Wreckers was sad and gruesome

    Grace S. Block 1/2

    1. Yeah, I thought this one would be a little more up your alley!

  7. How long does your paper have to be?

  8. I got Drums,Girls, and Dangerous Pie for my first book then I got Everlost.
    I like Everlost better because it has more characters and is more exciting. I also think that it is more action than Drums,Girls, and Dangerous Pie.THose are the reasons I think Everlost is a better book than Drums,Girls, and Dangerous Pie.

    Cadence W. Block 7/8

  9. Do we have any main
    . Projects due tomorrow
