Monday, May 2, 2016

Extra Credit Opportunity!

Click on the link below to complete the review quiz.  You may take the review quiz as many times as you want, but you must score a 90% or above in order to receive the extra credit!  

This review quiz will not only help you with your classwork, but it will also be VERY beneficial to you on the SOL!

If you complete the review quiz with a score of 90% or above by 8a on MONDAY, May 9th, you will receive FIVE points of extra credit!

Have fun!


  1. I got a 90% on this and I voted Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory.

    Alex S. Block 1/2

  2. I went home sick today and I won't be at school tomorrow and I was wondering if you could email my mom the work I will be missing.
    Alex S. Block 1/2

    1. Alex, I'm sorry to hear that! There's actually nothing I'll have to email to your mom. We'll work on the Editing Assessment from today and Lit Circle Read, so you should be good to go! I hope you're feeling better!

    2. Okay thanks
      Alex S. Block 1/2

  3. I got a 100% and I voted on the pole

  4. sorry that was lexi w block 3/4
