Friday, December 18, 2015


And here you have ANOTHER extra credit opportunity!  For up to 25 extra credit points, write a review of the Lit Circle book that you read for Round 1.  Your review can take whatever format you like:  written, a video review, a script, a poster, etc.  The number of extra credit points that you earn will be determined by the quality of your review.  Remember: this is a review.  That means you can state your opinion on whether you enjoyed the book or not.  That being said, don't be jerky about it.

In order to receive ANY extra credit, your review must be turned in by TUESDAY, January 5th.  If your review is just that fantastic, I'll show it to the next two classes when they do that Lit Circle.


Word of the Day, 12/18

78. obfuscate (v) - to confuse or make unclear

Thursday, December 17, 2015

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Monday, December 14, 2015

Friday, December 11, 2015

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Flula and Idioms

As requested, here you go!

Jennifer is a party pooper.

Do not tickle my fancy.

Have your cake and eat it, too.

Word of the Day, 12/9

71. candid (adj) - honest and straightforward

Friday, December 4, 2015

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Tuesday, December 1, 2015


Ok!  Here's your December extra credit opportunity!

For up to 10 POINTS EXTRA CREDIT, write me a short story that includes the following three things:

1.  Snow

2.  A peanut butter and jelly sandwich

3.  A lawyer

Your story must be at least ONE page typed or two pages handwritten (the front and back of a page).  I will not count off for spelling and grammar errors, but they give me a headache (so the fewer you have, the better!).  Keep it school appropriate, and be creative!

The quality of your short story will determine how many extra credit points you earn.  Your story must be turned in by the day that we return from Winter Break (Monday, January 4th).

Let me know if you have any questions!


Word of the Day, 12/1

65. halcyon (adj) - calm, peaceful, tranquil

Monday, November 30, 2015

Wednesday, November 25, 2015


This Thanksgiving, we're giving thanks for Prepositions and Conjunctions, because they do difficult work that no one else wants to do!  So in order to celebrate their hard work, you have an extra credit opportunity!  

Click on the link below to take the Preposition and Conjunction Review.  You may take this review as many times as you like, but you must score a 90% or above in order to earn the extra credit points.  Once you score a 90% or above, you will earn FIVE extra credit points!  Yay!  

To qualify for the extra credit, this review must be completed by 8a on MONDAY, November 30th.


Word of the Day, 11/25

63. penurious (adj) - extremely stingy, not wanting to spend money

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Friday, November 6, 2015

Monday, November 2, 2015


Another day off from school means another extra credit opportunity!

Click on the link below to complete the Adverb Review.  You can take this review as many times as you want, but you must score a 90% or above in order for it to count as extra credit.  If you want the FIVE extra credit points on your Adverb Assessment, you must complete this by 8a on WEDNESDAY, November 4th.


Word of the Day, 11/2

47. admonish (v) - to warn

Sunday, November 1, 2015


Ok, here's ANOTHER extra credit opportunity.

For TWO points extra credit each, you can submit words to be used for our "Word of the Day."  There are a couple of requirements:

1.  It has to be a good word.  What determines whether it's good or not?  Me.  (HINT:  You know me.  I tend to go for the weird and/or funny.)
2.  You must have the part of speech and the definition for your word.
3.  Use your word correctly in a sentence.

Once again, you can either post your words here in a comment on the blog, or you can turn them in to me in class.  

I'm capping this extra credit opportunity at 10 words (so a maximum of 20 points of extra credit).  You can complete as many or as few as you like.  However, ALL of the words must be turned in by November 30th.  I will not accept ANY new words after that point (until I maybe do this again sometime during 2nd semester...but no guarantees!).  

Have fun!

Friday, October 30, 2015

Word of the Day, 10/30

46. dour (adj) - gloomy

I'll give a smile ticket to anyone who can tell me who this guy is!  Post a comment or tell me on Monday!

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Lit Circle Assignments

Block 1/2
Charlotte Doyle - Alexis O, Karsyn M, Emma C, Victoria W
Nothing But the Truth - Reece R, Skyler K, Elsie K
The Compound - Wills H, Trevor R, Kimmy J, Elyssa K
The Wreckers - Grace S, Phoebe A, Tori H
Sarah Bishop - Jonah B, Alex S, Micah Bryn K, Jade F
Everlost - Faith Y, Jake H, Chloe H, Carlee H
Unwind - Natalie S, Walker N, Trinity H, Haley F

Block 3/4
London Eye Mystery - Keely H, Madeline M, Grace M, Matthew H
Third Eye - Maddie H, Riley F, Mackenzie K
Ransom - Summer L, Aidan B, Jocelyn H, Scavelli
Lottery Rose - Morgan K, Mackenzie F, Abby G, Jaiden L
Wednesday Wars - Kamryn S, Daniel S, Emiliano G, Remi F
Brotherhood - Haley D, Tommy D, Carter M, Joe S

Block 7/8
Eyes of the Amaryllis - Macy I, Aiden B, Rachel H
Year of Impossible Goodbyes - TJ B, Devin C, Charlie T, Garrett H
Walk Two Moons - Nathan M, Claire W, Aden L
Across Five Aprils - Ethan H, Maddy T, Catie H, Ibby B
Princess Ben - Hannah S, Emma C, Landon N, Kamryn B
Drums, Girls, and Dangerous Pie - John David C, Rider H, Timber R, Cadence W

Word of the Day, 10/29

45. misanthrope (n) - a hater of mankind

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Monday, October 26, 2015


You have a NEW Smile Ticket Opportunity!  For two smile tickets each, bring in packs of lined notebook paper to class.  There isn't a limit on how many you can bring in, and as of right now, there's no end date!  


Word of the Day, 10/26

42. vituperate (v) - to scold

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Blackboard is broken...

It wasn't me.  I didn't do it.  But here are your Adjective Notes, since you can't get to them from there!  Just click on the images to make them bigger.  Post or email if you have any questions!

Monday, October 19, 2015

Workday Extra Credit!

Because it's a workday, you guys have an extra credit opportunity!  YAY!  

And before you ask, this will NOT count for the first nine weeks.  Instead, this extra credit will be banked for the second nine weeks.

For FIVE points extra credit, click on the link below to take the Adjective Review Quiz.  You can take it as many times as you want, but you must score a 90% or above in order to earn the extra credit.  You can only earn the extra credit ONE time, so taking it 15 times and scoring a 100% each time won't do anything for you.  Sorry.

In order to earn the points, you must have this extra credit opportunity completed by 8a on FRIDAY, October 23rd.  


Word of the Day, 10/19

39. careen (v) - to swerve

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Monday, October 5, 2015

Word of the Day, 10/5

29. narcissist (n) - a person who loves him/herself more than other things

Friday, October 2, 2015

Pronoun Songs

Are you ready, kids?

Remember to listen and vote for your favorite in the poll on the right!  The poll ends at MIDNIGHT on THURSDAY, October 8th.

Word of the Day, 10/2

28. novice (n) - apprentice or beginner