Friday, April 1, 2016


Here is your chance to earn some extra credit for the FOURTH NINE WEEKS while you're on Spring Break!  Each school day during this week, a journal prompt will pop up on the blog.  If you respond to the prompt with at least FOUR sentences, you will earn TWO extra credit points.  That means you can earn 10 extra credit points over this week!

Here's your first one:  What are you MOST looking forward to about summer?  Why?

You have two options for how you can submit your answers.  
1.  You can simply add a comment to the post that you want to respond to, but remember that those comments will be public, so don't put down anything that you would feel uncomfortable with other people reading!  
2.  The other option is to write each answer down on a sheet of paper and hand them in to me when we get back to school.  
In either case, all responses are due on MONDAY, April 4th, by the end of your block.

Let me know if you have any questions!  Have a fantastic, safe, and happy break!



  1. Grace Saunders 1/2April 1, 2016 at 10:43 AM

    I am looking forward to hanging out with my friends and going to the pool. My family and I normally get a membership to Read Mountain because that's where most of my friends go. Also, my birthday is in July, so I am also looking forward to that. In the summer, my family and I always go to my grandparents more than we normally do because I have time off. Sometimes when my dad is on a business trip, my grandparents from Lexington will come and stay with us, or we will stay with them. Their neighbor has a pool, and he lets us use it pretty much any time we want, all we have to do is ask. Last time I stayed there in the summer, we stayed for 3 or 4 days and went to the pool almost every day.

  2. I'm looking forward to riding my bike with my dad for hours and sitting on my porch till 2:30 in the morning. I can't wait to swim till 11:30 in my pool with my friends in the neighborhood. Sitting at the bonfire, roasting marshmallows. My dad always listens to his music

  3. I am most looking forward to going on a cruise this summer! On the boat there is a rock wall, unlimited food, water slides, and so much more! The places the boat will be stopping are the Bahamas, Haiti, Puerto Rico, and Bermuda. I got my passport a few months ago. We are going with three other families that my parents are friends with. They all have kids, and I am the oldest out of all of them. The next oldest is Emma, who is in 4th grade, that I am excited to hang out with! I have never been on a cruise before, so this is going to be an awesome vacation!

  4. Well I am most of all hoping it is lie an extended spring break because my spring break was AWESOME. I also hope that it is full of sleepovers and events with my friends. This is because personally I enjoy hanging with my friends and family more than any vacation. Also it is not deficient but there is a 60% chance of me going to Los Vegas so I am excited for that.

  5. I can't wait till summer swimming. I like summer swimming because its a longer pool and outdoors. Also on the 4th of July we play outdoor games like grease watermelon. My favorite part of summer is at the end of the season we have all gator camp and we do fun things all together.

    Aiden Brinkley 3/4

  6. Timber Raines Block 7/8April 4, 2016 at 6:02 PM

    The thing I'm most looking foward to for this summer would have to be 3 very fun things. The first one is... 1.- Going to the pool with all of my friends. 2.- Possibly getting to babysit. 3.- Having no home work. **Need a break:)** What are you looking forward to doing this Summer?
