Thursday, March 31, 2016


Here is your chance to earn some extra credit for the FOURTH NINE WEEKS while you're on Spring Break!  Each school day during this week, a journal prompt will pop up on the blog.  If you respond to the prompt with at least FOUR sentences, you will earn TWO extra credit points.  That means you can earn 10 extra credit points over this week!

Here's your first one:  Would you say that you are a more of a neat person or a messy person?  Why?

You have two options for how you can submit your answers.  
1.  You can simply add a comment to the post that you want to respond to, but remember that those comments will be public, so don't put down anything that you would feel uncomfortable with other people reading!  
2.  The other option is to write each answer down on a sheet of paper and hand them in to me when we get back to school.  
In either case, all responses are due on MONDAY, April 4th, by the end of your block.

Let me know if you have any questions!  Have a fantastic, safe, and happy break!



  1. I am more of a neat person because I don't like to see my room looking like a landfill. Even though there are stuffed animals EVERYWHERE, it still doesn't look that cluttered. I don't like to see things hanging out of drawers. So, if I accidentally close a drawer on something, I fix it right away. I try to keep my desk clear of piles of papers and things, but sometimes it is really hard. If I make a bunch of drawings, sometimes there isn't room in the desk drawer for them to fit.

    Grace Saunders Block 1/2

  2. Neat person because when I set up things I like to have piles color coded. Also when I pack my suit case I make piles of different chlothes like (jeans, shirt,tank top,and shorts). When I get rubber band I get a box and color code them. My school binder has different folders for different thing so I stay neat that way also.
    Aiden Brinkley 3/4

  3. I'm more of a neat person because I get really aggravated if I can't find my things in my room. My friend Kenzie doesn't really help because we she's over she always move my things, wrecks my room, and throws her things ANYWHERE SHE WANTS TO! When I can't find my things I get really upset and start freaking out. My mom has OCD which makes you clean anything that is messed up so, she helps out A LOT!

  4. OMG I am definitely a neat person. My mom already tells me that I have bad OCD. I think I am more of a neat person, because I love to clean. I like to clean my room, my laundry room, my brother's room, my parents room,my locker, and the many other things. And I kinda have to be very neat because I get out of wack when I see anything messy or dirty. Are you a neat person or a messy person?

  5. I am totally a neat person. I cannot stand it when things are not in its place. When everything is neat, it makes it so much easier to find the stuff I need. Sometimes it's difficult to make things neat because I do not like to throw things out, so finding places for a bunch of things can get hard. Getting to organize things makes me happy. I could spend lots of time cleaning. You know that because I clean your room all the time. ;) Being neat is definitely something I'm good at.

  6. I will say I am not the most neat person in the world but I am pretty organized if I do say so myself. I am the queen of boxes, separators, and all things organization. A weird thing about though is that if I'm the one who made the mess I can deal with it but if anyone else makes the mess it makes me crazy. But overall I am pretty neat.
