Here's another extra credit opportunity!
Diagram the FIVE sentences below for extra credit. You have a choice in which way you choose to use your extra credit. I can either give you FIFTEEN extra credit points (3 for each sentence) OR you can choose to replace your lowest daily work/journal grade (including a zero). Make sure you look at your grades in Synergy before your make your decision!
This extra credit opportunity is due at the beginning of your class on MONDAY, March 14th. Obviously, since you're diagramming sentences, you'll need to bring in your answers on paper. However, you must ALSO put on your paper how you want your extra credit to be used (the 15 points or replacing the lowest daily grade). Make sure to include that information, or I'll make the call for you!
Please just let me know if you have questions! Consult the notes on Blackboard if you're having trouble!
Good luck!
1. Bradley laughed at the dog.
2. Put the plate on the table.
3. Stanley, my favorite character, made bad decisions in the novel.
4. I don't like mushrooms, but I love pizza.
5. The thin, hungry dog saved the poor, helpless bird.
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