Monday, March 28, 2016


Here is your chance to earn some extra credit for the FOURTH NINE WEEKS while you're on Spring Break!  Each school day during this week, a journal prompt will pop up on the blog.  If you respond to the prompt with at least FOUR sentences, you will earn TWO extra credit points.  That means you can earn 10 extra credit points over this week!

Here's your first one:  Who is your hero?  What makes this person your hero?

You have two options for how you can submit your answers.  
1.  You can simply add a comment to the post that you want to respond to, but remember that those comments will be public, so don't put down anything that you would feel uncomfortable with other people reading!  
2.  The other option is to write each answer down on a sheet of paper and hand them in to me when we get back to school.  
In either case, all responses are due on MONDAY, April 4th, by the end of your block.

Let me know if you have any questions!  Have a fantastic, safe, and happy break!



  1. My hero is my grandpa Doug because he was a cancer survivor of 7 years but past away in 2013. He used to say that I "was the apple of his eye." He had lived in Florida and when he came to visit he would surprise me and I would run up to him and jump into his arms. When we visited his house down in Florida he would have a room with Tinker Bell all over it just for me! I used to have this HUGE poster of Tinker Bell in the room. We would go down to the golf course and watch the alligators swim, feed the ducks, and drive around the neighborhood on the golf cart

  2. My two heros are God and my friends. All of my friends are my heros because ...
    1.- My friends help me out when I am upset or depressed, so they are saving me from having a bad day or mood.
    2.- My friends make me laugh when I need to be cheered up, so they are saving me from having a bad attitude.
    3.- My friends like to have fun with me and like to do things with me, so they are saving me from boredom.
    4.- They stand up to people who are mean.
    God is my hero because…
    1.- God created all of us so we should respect him, and God is our savior so we should respect him for everything that he has done for us.
    Who is your hero, and why are they your hero?

    Timber Raines block 7/8

  3. My hero is my dad. My dad always helps me with my homework and with studying. He encourages me to do my best and to work hard at whatever I do. He practices sports with me and coaches my teams. My dad also taught me to be generous. But the best way my dad helps me is to show me how to be kind and love others.

  4. My hero is my dad. He has to deal with a bunch of people at his work, and he has to answer tons of emails. He also has to check formulas for coatings (he is a chemist) to see if they are correct. But, he still finds time in the day to have family time. I am so proud!

    Grace Saunders Block 1/2

  5. My hero is my mom because she is a great mom and I'm lucky to have her as a mom.
    1.) She is very generous and always puts me before herself.
    2.) She will do anything she has to for my benefit.
    3.) She helps me and is there for me WHENEVER I need her.
    4.) She is a very loving and kind person I am glad to call Mom!

  6. My freinds because.........
    1.) They always have my back and they will stand up for me.
    2.) They always have a positive attitude.
    3.) They will comfort me when I'm upset.
    4.) They will help me with stuff at swim, dance, and school.
    Aiden Brinkley 3/4

  7. Me hero are my freinds because.......
    1.) They are always nice, kind, and funny.
    2.) They always have my back and will stand up for me.
    3.) They always have a positive attitude when I am upset.
    4.) They will help me with stuff at swim and dance.
    Aiden Brinkley 3/4
